
class kikuchipy.detectors.EBSDDetector(shape: tuple[int, int] = (1, 1), px_size: float = 1.0, binning: int = 1, tilt: float = 0.0, azimuthal: float = 0.0, twist: float = 0.0, sample_tilt: float = 70.0, pc: ndarray | list | tuple = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), convention: str | None = None)[source]#

Bases: object

An EBSD detector class storing its shape, pixel size, binning factor, detector tilt, sample tilt and projection center (PC) per pattern. Given one or multiple PCs, the detector’s gnomonic coordinates are calculated. Uses of these include projecting Kikuchi bands, given a unit cell, unit cell orientation and family of planes, onto the detector.

Calculation of gnomonic coordinates is based on the work by Aimo Winkelmann in the supplementary material to [Britton et al., 2016].


Number of detector rows and columns in pixels. Default is (1, 1).


Size of unbinned detector pixel in um, assuming a square pixel shape. Default is 1.


Detector binning, i.e. how many pixels are binned into one. Default is 1, i.e. no binning.


Detector tilt from horizontal in degrees. Default is 0.


Sample tilt about the sample RD (downwards) axis. A positive angle means the sample normal moves towards the right looking from the sample to the detector. Default is 0.


Rotation angle of the detector about the normal to the detector screen, Zd. Default is 0.


Sample tilt from horizontal in degrees. Default is 70.


X, Y and Z coordinates of the projection/pattern centers (PCs), describing the location of the beam on the sample measured relative to the detection screen. PCs are stored and used in Bruker’s convention. See Notes for the definition and conversions between conventions. If multiple PCs are passed, they are assumed to be on the form [[x0, y0, z0], [x1, y1, z1], …]. Default is [0.5, 0.5, 0.5].


Convention of input PC, to determine which conversion to Bruker’s definition to use. If not given, Bruker’s convention is assumed. Options are “tsl”/”edax”/”amatek”, “oxford”/”aztec”, “bruker”, “emsoft”, “emsoft4”, and “emsoft5”. “emsoft” and “emsoft5” is the same convention. See Notes for conversions between conventions.


The pattern on the detector is always viewed from the detector towards the sample. Pattern width and height is here given as \(N_x\) and \(N_y\) (possibly binned). PCs are stored and used in Bruker’s convention.

The Bruker PC coordinates \((x_B^*, y_B^*, z_B^*)\) are defined in fractions of \(N_x\), \(N_y\), and \(N_y\), respectively, with \(x_B^*\) and \(y_B^*\) defined with respect to the upper left corner of the detector. These coordinates are used internally, called \((PC_x, PC_y, PC_z)\) in the rest of the documentation when there is no reference to Bruker specifically.

The EDAX TSL PC coordinates \((x_T^*, y_T^*, z_T^*)\) are defined in fractions of \((N_x, N_y, min(N_x, N_y))\) with respect to the lower left corner of the detector.

The Oxford Instruments PC coordinates \((x_O^*, y_O^*, z_O^*)\) are defined in fractions of \(N_x\) with respect to the lower left corner of the detector.

The EMsoft PC coordinates \((x_{pc}, y_{pc})\) are defined as number of pixels (subpixel accuracy) with respect to the center of the detector, with \(x_{pc}\) towards the right and \(y_{pc}\) upwards. The final PC coordinate \(L\) is the detector distance in microns. Note that prior to EMsoft v5.0, \(x_{pc}\) was defined towards the left.

Given these definitions, the following is the conversion from EDAX TSL to Bruker

\[\begin{split}x_B^* &= x_T^*,\\ y_B^* &= 1 - y_T^*,\\ z_B^* &= \frac{\min(N_x, N_y)}{N_y} z_T^*.\end{split}\]

The conversion from Oxford Instruments to Bruker is given as

\[\begin{split}x_B^* &= x_O^*,\\ y_B^* &= 1 - y_O^* \frac{N_x}{N_y},\\ z_B^* &= \frac{N_x}{N_y} z_O^*.\end{split}\]

The conversion from EMsoft to Bruker is given as

\[\begin{split}x_B^* &= \frac{1}{2} - \frac{x_{pc}}{N_x b},\\ y_B^* &= \frac{1}{2} - \frac{y_{pc}}{N_y b},\\ z_B^* &= \frac{L}{N_y b \delta},\end{split}\]

where \(\delta\) is the unbinned detector pixel size in microns, and \(b\) is the binning factor.


Create an EBSD detector and plot the PC on top of a pattern

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import kikuchipy as kp
>>> det = kp.detectors.EBSDDetector(
...     shape=(60, 60),
...     pc=np.ones((10, 20, 3)) * (0.421, 0.779, 0.505),
...     convention="edax",
...     px_size=70,
...     binning=8,
...     tilt=5,
...     sample_tilt=70,
... )
>>> det
EBSDDetector(shape=(60, 60), pc=(0.421, 0.221, 0.505), sample_tilt=70.0, tilt=5.0, azimuthal=0.0, twist=0.0, binning=8.0, px_size=70.0 um)
>>> det.navigation_shape
(10, 20)
>>> det.bounds
array([ 0, 59,  0, 59])
>>> det.gnomonic_bounds[0, 0]
array([-0.83366337,  1.14653465, -1.54257426,  0.43762376])
>>> s = kp.data.nickel_ebsd_small()
>>> det.plot(
...     pattern=s.inav[0, 0].data,
...     coordinates="gnomonic",
...     draw_gnomonic_circles=True
... )



Return the number of detector columns divided by rows.


Return the detector bounds [x0, x1, y0, y1] in pixel coordinates.


Return factors for converting coordinates on the detector from pixel units to gnomonic units or vice versa.


Return the detector Euler angles (Bunge convention: ZXZ) in degrees.


Return the detector bounds [x0, x1, y0, y1] in gnomonic coordinates.


Return the detector height in microns.


Return the number of navigation dimensions of the projection center array (a maximum of 2).


Return or set the navigation shape of the projection center array.


Return the number of projection centers.


Return the number of detector pixel columns.


Return the number of detector pixel rows.


Return or set all projection center coordinates.


Return the overall average projection center.


Return flattened array of projection center coordinates of shape (navigation_size, 3).


Return or set the projection center x coordinates.


Return or set the projection center y coordinates.


Return or set the projection center z coordinates.


Return the binned pixel size in microns.


Return the maximum distance from PC to detector edge in gnomonic coordinates.


Return the orientation matrix which transforms vectors in the sample reference frame, CSs, to the detector reference frame, CSd.


Return the number of detector pixels.


Return the specimen to scintillator distance, known in EMsoft as \(L\).


Return the unbinned detector shape in pixels.


Return the detector width in microns.


Return the right bound of detector in gnomonic coordinates.


Return the left bound of detector in gnomonic coordinates.


Return the x detector limits in gnomonic coordinates.


Return the width of a pixel in gnomonic coordinates.


Return the bottom bound of detector in gnomonic coordinates.


Return the top bound of detector in gnomonic coordinates.


Return the y detector limits in gnomonic coordinates.


Return the height of a pixel in gnomonic coordinates.



Convert between gnomonic and pixel coordinates on the detector screen.


Return a new detector with its shape cropped and pc values updated accordingly.


Return a deep copy using copy.deepcopy().


Estimate the tilt about the detector \(X_d\) axis.

EBSDDetector.estimate_xtilt_ztilt([degrees, ...])

Estimate the tilts about the detector \(X_d\) and \(Z_d\) axes.

EBSDDetector.extrapolate_pc(pc_indices, ...)

Return a new detector with projection centers (PCs) in a 2D map extrapolated from an average PC.

EBSDDetector.fit_pc(pc_indices, map_indices)

Return a new detector with interpolated projection centers (PCs) for all points in a map by fitting a plane to pc [Winkelmann et al., 2020].

EBSDDetector.get_indexer(phase_list[, ...])

Return a PyEBSDIndex EBSD indexer.


Return an EBSD detector loaded from a text file saved with save().


Return PC in the Bruker convention, given in the class description.


Return PC in the EMsoft convention.


Return PC in the Oxford convention.


Return PC in the EDAX TSL convention.

EBSDDetector.plot([coordinates, show_pc, ...])

Plot the detector screen viewed from the detector towards the sample.

EBSDDetector.plot_pc([mode, return_figure, ...])

Plot all projection centers (PCs).

EBSDDetector.save(filename[, convention])

Save detector in a text file with projection centers (PCs) in the given convention.

Examples using EBSDDetector#

Adaptive histogram equalization

Adaptive histogram equalization

Fit a plane to selected projection centers

Fit a plane to selected projection centers

Estimate tilt about the detector x axis

Estimate tilt about the detector x axis

Estimate tilts about the detector x and z axis

Estimate tilts about the detector x and z axis