
Example datasets for use when testing functionality.

Some datasets are packaged with the source code while others must be downloaded from the web. For more test datasets, see Open datasets.

Datasets are placed in a local cache, in the location returned from pooch.os_cache("kikuchipy") by default. The location can be overwritten with a global KIKUCHIPY_DATA_DIR environment variable.

With every new version of kikuchipy, a new directory of datasets with the version name is added to the cache directory. Any old directories are not deleted automatically, and should then be deleted manually if desired.


ebsd_master_pattern(phase[, allow_download, ...])

EBSD master pattern of an available phase of (1001, 1001) pixel resolution in both the square Lambert or stereographic projection.

ni_gain([number, allow_download, ...])

EBSD dataset of (149, 200) patterns of (60, 60) pixels from polycrystalline recrystallized Ni, acquired on a NORDIF UF-1100 detector [Ånes et al., 2019].

ni_gain_calibration([number, ...])

A few EBSD calibration patterns of (480, 480) pixels from polycrystalline recrystallized Ni, acquired on a NORDIF UF-1100 detector [Ånes et al., 2019].

nickel_ebsd_large([allow_download, ...])

4125 EBSD patterns in a (55, 75) navigation shape of (60, 60) pixels from nickel, acquired on a NORDIF UF-1100 detector [Ånes et al., 2019].


(401, 401) uint8 square Lambert or stereographic projection of the upper and lower hemisphere of a nickel master pattern at 20 keV accelerating voltage.


Ni EBSD patterns in a (3, 3) navigation shape of (60, 60) pixels from nickel, acquired on a NORDIF UF-1100 detector [Ånes et al., 2019].

si_ebsd_moving_screen([distance, ...])

One EBSD pattern of (480, 480) pixels from a single crystal silicon sample, acquired on a NORDIF UF-420 detector [Ånes et al., 2022].

si_wafer([allow_download, show_progressbar])

EBSD dataset of (50, 50) patterns of (480, 480) pixels from a single crystal silicon wafer, acquired on a NORDIF UF-420 detector [Ånes et al., 2022].