
LazyVirtualBSEImage.compute(*args, **kwargs) None[source]#

Attempt to store the full signal in memory.

This docstring was copied from HyperSpy’s LazySignal2D.compute. Some inconsistencies with the kikuchipy version may exist.

close_filebool, default False

If True, attempt to close the file associated with the dask array data if any. Note that closing the file will make all other associated lazy signals inoperative.

show_progressbarNone or bool

If True, display a progress bar. If None, the default from the preferences settings is used.


Any other keyword arguments for dask.array.Array.compute(). For example scheduler or num_workers.



For alternative ways to set the compute settings see


>>> import dask.array as da
>>> data = da.zeros((100, 100, 100), chunks=(10, 20, 20))
>>> s = hs.signals.Signal2D(data).as_lazy()

With default parameters

>>> s1 = s.deepcopy()
>>> s1.compute()

Using 2 workers, which can reduce the memory usage (depending on the data and your computer hardware). Note that num_workers only work for the ‘threads’ and ‘processes’ scheduler.

>>> s2 = s.deepcopy()
>>> s2.compute(num_workers=2)

Using a single threaded scheduler, which is useful for debugging

>>> s3 = s.deepcopy()
>>> s3.compute(scheduler='single-threaded')