
kikuchipy.draw.plot_pattern_positions_in_map(rc: ndarray, roi_shape: tuple, roi_origin: tuple = (0, 0), area_shape: tuple | None = None, roi_image: ndarray | None = None, area_image: ndarray | None = None, axis: Axes | None = None, return_figure: bool = False, color: str | None = 'k') Figure | SubFigure | None[source]#

Plot pattern positions in a 2D map within a region of interest (ROI), the ROI potentially within a larger area.


Position coordinates (row, column) in an array of shape (n, 2). If area_shape is passed, coordinates are assumed to be given with respect to the area origin, and so if roi_origin is passed, the origin is subtracted from the coordinates.


Shape of the ROI as (n rows, n columns).


Origin (row, column) of the ROI with respect to the area. If this and area_shape is passed, the origin is subtracted from the rc coordinates.


Shape of the area including the ROI as (n rows, n columns). If this and roi_origin is passed, the origin is subtracted from the rc coordinates.


Image to plot within the ROI, of the same aspect ratio.


Image to plot within the area, of the same aspect ratio.


Existing Matplotlib axis to add the positions to. If not passed, a new figure will be created. If passed, only the coordinate markers and labels are added to the axis. E.g. roi_image or area_image will not be used.


Whether to return the created figure. Default is False.


Color of position markers and labels. Default is k. Must be a valid Matplotlib color identifier.


Created figure, returned if return_figure=True.

Examples using plot_pattern_positions_in_map#

Extract patterns from a grid

Extract patterns from a grid