
VirtualBSEImager.get_rgb_image(r: BaseInteractiveROI | Tuple | List[BaseInteractiveROI] | List[Tuple], g: BaseInteractiveROI | Tuple | List[BaseInteractiveROI] | List[Tuple], b: BaseInteractiveROI | Tuple | List[BaseInteractiveROI] | List[Tuple], percentiles: Tuple | None = None, normalize: bool = True, alpha: None | ndarray | VirtualBSEImage = None, dtype_out: str | dtype | type = 'uint8', add_bright: int = 0, contrast: float = 1.0) VirtualBSEImage[source]#

Return an in-memory RGB virtual BSE image from three regions of interest (ROIs) on the EBSD detector, with a potential “alpha channel” in which all three arrays are multiplied by a fourth.


One ROI or a list of ROIs, or one tuple or a list of tuples with detector grid indices specifying one or more ROI(s). Intensities within the specified ROI(s) are summed up to form the red color channel.


One ROI or a list of ROIs, or one tuple or a list of tuples with detector grid indices specifying one or more ROI(s). Intensities within the specified ROI(s) are summed up to form the green color channel.


One ROI or a list of ROIs, or one tuple or a list of tuples with detector grid indices specifying one or more ROI(s). Intensities within the specified ROI(s) are summed up to form the blue color channel.


Whether to apply contrast stretching with a given percentile tuple with percentages, e.g. (0.5, 99.5), after creating the RGB image. If not given (default), no contrast stretching is performed.


Whether to normalize the individual images (channels) before RGB image creation.


“Alpha channel”. If not given (default), no “alpha channel” is added to the image.


Output data type, either "uint8" (default) or "uint16".


Brightness offset to for each array. Default is 0.


Contrast factor for each array. Default is 1.0.


Virtual RGB image in memory.


HyperSpy only allows for RGB signal dimensions with data types unsigned 8 or 16 bit.