- str | Path, energy: range | None = None, projection: Literal['stereographic', 'lambert'] = 'stereographic', hemisphere: Literal['upper', 'lower', 'both'] = 'upper', lazy: bool = False, **kwargs) list[dict] [source]#
Read simulated electron channeling pattern (ECP) master patterns from EMsoft’s HDF5 file format [Callahan and De Graef, 2013].
Not meant to be used directly; use
.- Parameters:
- filename
Full file path of the HDF file.
- energy
Desired beam energy or energy range. If not given (default), all available energies are read.
- projection
Projection(s) to read. Options are “stereographic” (default) or “lambert”.
- hemisphere
Projection hemisphere(s) to read. Options are “upper” (default), “lower”, or “both”. If “both”, these will be stacked in the vertical navigation axis.
- lazy
Open the data lazily without actually reading the data from disk until requested. Allows opening datasets larger than available memory. Default is False.
- **kwargs
Keyword arguments passed to
- Returns:
Data, axes, metadata and original metadata.