
This page contains short examples of common tasks using kikuchipy. It is broken up into sections covering specific topics.

For longer in-depth guides, see our Tutorials. For descriptions of all the functions, modules, and objects in kikuchipy, see the API reference.


Making examples is a work in progress. The topics and examples, and thus the URLs to examples, might change between releases. The Tutorials represent a complete showcase of the existing functionality in kikuchipy.

Pattern processing#

These examples cover processing of pattern intensities like binning and background subtraction.

Pattern binning

Pattern binning

Static background correction

Static background correction

Dynamic background correction

Dynamic background correction

Neighbour pattern averaging

Neighbour pattern averaging

Adaptive histogram equalization

Adaptive histogram equalization

Reference frames#

These examples cover use of tools like the EBSDDetector for understanding reference frames relevant to EBSD.

Fit a plane to selected projection centers

Fit a plane to selected projection centers

Estimate tilt about the detector x axis

Estimate tilt about the detector x axis

Estimate tilts about the detector x and z axis

Estimate tilts about the detector x and z axis

Selecting data#

These examples cover selection of data via extraction a subset of the navigation and/or signal axes.

Crop navigation axes

Crop navigation axes

Crop signal axes

Crop signal axes

Extract patterns from a grid

Extract patterns from a grid


These examples cover visualization of Kikuchi patterns and derived maps.

Plot nice master pattern image

Plot nice master pattern image

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