.. _contributing: ============ Contributing ============ kikuchipy is a community maintained project. We welcome contributions in the form of bug reports, documentation, code, feature requests, and more. The source code is hosted on `GitHub `__. These guidelines provide resources on how best to contribute. .. tip:: This guide can look intimidating to people who want to contribute, but have limited experience with tools like ``git``, ``pytest``, and ``sphinx``. The shortest route to start contributing is to create a GitHub account and explain what you want to do `in an issue `__. That said, our contributing workflow is typical for Python projects, so reading this guide can make contributing to similar projects in the future much smoother! This project follows the `all-contributors `__ specification. kikuchipy has a :doc:`Code of conduct ` that should be honoured by everyone who participates in the kikuchipy community. Have a question, comment, suggestion for improvements, or any other inquiries regarding the project? Feel free to `ask a question `__, `open an issue `__ or `make a pull request `__ in our GitHub repository. We also have a `Gitter chat `__. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 setting_up_development_installation.rst code_style.rst using_git.rst building_writing_documentation.rst handling_deprecations.rst running_writing_tests.rst adding_to_data_module.rst improving_performance.rst continuous_integration.rst maintaining_package_credits.rst Code of conduct