.. _code-style: Code style ========== The code making up kikuchipy is formatted closely following the `Style Guide for Python Code `__ with :doc:`The Black Code style `. We use `pre-commit `__ to run ``black`` automatically prior to each local commit. Please install it in your environment:: pre-commit install Next time you commit some code, your code will be formatted inplace according to ``black``. ``black`` can format Jupyter notebooks as well. Code lines in tutorial notebooks should be limited to 77 characters to display nicely in the documentation:: black -l 77 .ipynb Note that ``black`` won't format `docstrings `__. We follow the :doc:`numpydoc ` standard (with some exceptions), and the docstrings are checked against this standard when building the documentation. Comment and docstring lines should preferably be limited to 72 characters (including leading whitespaces). Package imports should be structured into three blocks with blank lines between them (descending order): standard library (like ``os`` and ``typing``), third party packages (like ``numpy`` and ``hyperspy``) and finally kikuchipy imports. We use type hints in the function definition without type duplication in the function docstring, for example:: def my_function(a: int, b: Optional[bool] = None) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray]: """This is a new function. Parameters ---------- a Explanation of ``a``. b Explanation of flag ``b``. Default is ``None``. Returns ------- values Explanation of returned values. """ We import modules lazily using the specification in `PEP 562 `__.