.. _api: ============= API reference ============= **Release**: |version| **Date**: |today| This reference manual describes the public functions, modules, and objects in kikuchipy. Many of the descriptions include brief examples. For learning how to use kikuchipy, see the :doc:`/examples/index` or :doc:`/tutorials/index`. .. caution:: kikuchipy is in continuous development, meaning that some breaking changes and changes to this reference are likely with each release. kikuchipy's import structure is designed to feel familiar to HyperSpy users. It is recommended to import functionality from the below list of functions and modules like this: .. autolink-skip:: .. code-block:: python >>> import kikuchipy as kp >>> s = kp.data.nickel_ebsd_small() >>> s .. currentmodule:: kikuchipy .. rubric:: Functions .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated load set_log_level .. rubric:: Modules .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :template: custom-module-template.rst data detectors draw filters imaging indexing io pattern signals simulations